Access and participation

Providing equal opportunity for everyone.

We believe that there should be an even playing field, no matter who you are. That’s why we are wholeheartedly committed to widening access and participation from underrepresented groups in higher education. Whether you’re an applicant or a current student, we strive to improve the equality of opportunity for all.

What is access and participation?

Access and participation supports specific groups of students to access higher education, improve their success and support career development where there might have been past challenges. In particular, we’re encouraging and supporting applications from underrepresented groups, such as Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities; students from lower-income backgrounds and areas of low participation in higher education; students with disabilities; care-leavers; and mature students.

We’re dedicated to making higher education more equal and fair. It’s something we passionately believe in – and it’s why our Access and Participation (AP) Department exists. As a team, we constantly review and evaluate our initiatives and progress against the targets in our approved Access and Participation Plan. That way, we can iron out any inequalities and make ourselves as diverse and inclusive as possible.

Our Access and Participation Plan sets out our commitment to remove any gaps or hurdles that might be in place for someone when it comes to access, success and progression.


Any questions?

For any questions relating to Access and Participation – or if you’d like more information on how to apply to BIMM Institute – please contact our Admissions Team on 0344 2 646 666 or email [email protected].


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